The Colón Market is located in the city of Valencia, (Spain).
The building was conceived and made by the architect Francisco Mora Berenguer between 1914 and 1916.
It is one of the best examples of the architecture of Valencian Modernism from the beginning of the century.
It is also declared a National Monument.
It is currently rehabilitated and equipped with shops and establishments dedicated to the hospitality industry.

It was designed in 1914 by Francisco Mora Berenguer (1875-1961) who studied at the Barcelona School of Architecture and had a very direct contact with Catalan modernism, especially with the work of Gaudí, that of Puig i Cadafalch, that of Doménech i Montaner and with the conception of its professors Antonio M.ª Gallissá i Soque and Joan Torras i Guardiola of architecture as a total work of art, the result of the compendium of all arts and crafts.

Top of the Market or Dome. (indoor roof)

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